Saturday 6 September 2014

Thinking about this blog...

Ok.. If you didn't know already I have two blogs.. this one.. and another one on
This one I don't outwardly promote in any way... It's just a place for me to write freely and if you stumble upon it well lucky you...
And... I'm on tumblr all the time but this one is more of an occasional blog..
I find myself on this site a lot when I just want to vent without really thinking.. mostly.. this blog is a lot of ramble-venting.. it releases my pent up anger..
By no means is this supposed to be taken seriously all the time..
My friend googled my name and had to find THIS blog.. of all blogs!
My tumblr blog is much better than this one...and I tend to think about the content more..
Oh God..
Oh well..
Oh.. less than two months till my dads wedding!!! 
Time's going quickly!

Thursday 4 September 2014


Sorry I haven't written anything important in a while.  I really need to get better at this. The last couple of months have been pretty eventful. I guess it's time to finally post some pictures. At the start of the summer I went to France with my best friend. We went to our house in Limoges and had lots of fun also seeing our friends there in early August.

Dad having fun at the Louvre.
We went to the Eiffel Tower to celebrate finishing our biology GCSE

I tried to open the car boot. Looking like a diva as always. 

Megan and I. 

We had a great time and I really enjoyed the company. The only downside to this fun week was the fact that we had to leave. While I'm grateful for the week, I really, really miss France.

Wednesday 3 September 2014


So yesterday was my first day of school- it wasn't a proper day, it's something called ATD where you only go in to talk with your tutors, set targets, collect timetables etc. My school is pretty boring and never has any cool days where you get to wear pyjamas or dress up as a book character ( like I got to in primary school). We wear uniform so the most exciting day of the school year for us is jeans for genes day. And my school is never closed due to icy roads or snow or anything which just sucks- mostly because it never snows in London but when it does my school still forces us to come in. My school is always open. Always. School doesn't think about how many things I'm missing out on while I'm spending 7 hours of my day 5 sometimes 6 days a week in that building. Anyway yesterday I was very productive and finally had the time to write a bit, chill out and hang out with my cat who was being nice for once and not biting me.
There was much rejoicing in our house when I finally tidied my room as well. By my Mum at least.

And so I'll leave you with this,
Happy thursday! 

New song obsession

Hey guys 
So I am completely obsessed with this new song so I just thought I would tell you about it:
It's called Give up and it's by FKA twigs.
I actually got it free on itunes single of the week but I don't think it's free anymore- it's 99p so go get it on itunes! Give up - FKA twigs

Tuesday 2 September 2014

Style inspo

Hi guys!

Fun and fluffy, Eddie's assistant Bubbles from absolutely fabulous is my style inspiration. I'm not eve sorry for dedicating a whole blog post to the eye-peeling fashion wonderment that is Bubble.

1. Hair- curly and blonde.  I love her hair- and you can pretty much style it anyway you want as long as it's curly.
2. Headgear- now here's your chance to get a bit creative.  I feel like Bubble thinks through her crazy bright outfits beforehand. She often dresses thematically, and this gives you the chance to wear the hat that matches the outfit. This particular outift is obviously representing Teletubbies, with the adorable matching furry bunny ears.

Board this summer?

I love board and card games. I am completely obsessed with them. I have decided to pass on my experience with board and card games to the world. Here are my top games. All of these games have been played by me and my friends and family. These are the best games to play, whether it's at christmas or just a Friday night. Any of these games are sure to put a smile on your face and laughter in your house.

Feel free to contact me if you would like to know where to buy these games!  I would love to talk to you about them or even play a few rounds with you!

Board games: 1. Monopoly

2. Rummikub 

Card games:
1. Uno

2. Fluxx
3. Zombie Fluxx

Have fun playing and have a great year!

Monday 1 September 2014


So you can probably guess the reason why I haven't been posting like at all recently? I'M A FAILURE.

I literally don't have much to say. I guess school does take over at this point. I just don't have enough time to blog about all the stuff that I want to! By the time I get home from school, I am pretty much exhausted but I know that I have to do loads of studying and chores before the next day and after that I just crawl into my bed because I need sleep. And then the same thing happens the next day!

I will try and post more but I won't be posting everyday.

Lets try twice or three times a week if I can pull that.

I'm so sorry but I am just too busy to commit to this fully at the moment.

But just for a laugh.

Saturday 5 July 2014


Hey guys,

So guess what?! I got the ambassador role! Yayyyyy. I really was not expecting it but I got it woop woop. I'm at my Dads this weekend and I'm going shopping today because I have work experience next week so I need some clothes. I got the new 5SOS album and it's awesomeeee.

I reallllyyyy want a bird. Is that weird? Like I want a bird as a pet. Gonna blog some more later xxx

Love xxx

Saturday 28 June 2014

Colour run!

Hey guys!

So for my birthday this year I'm turning 16 and I've decided to do a colour run. It's happening in September and I think it's a really fun way to raise money for charity. For those of you who don't know what it is, it's basically a 5k run where you get covered with brightly coloured powder like this:

I think it's really awesome! After the run there's a really cool festival as well so I really encourage you guys to take part! I'm doing the London run but they have them all over America and the UK now. It's £25 to enter- that's for any amount of people and it all goes to charity so it's really good. 

Recently I have been obsessed with 90210, I haven't stopped watching it. I'm on season three already it's nearly finished and i really don't want it to finish. I went through a phase of being obsessed with Gossip Girl and I cried when that finished. Oh, recently I went to see The Fault in our Stars at the cinema which was literally the most life-changing film I have ever seen. When I finished watching it, every other film seemed insignificant. I mean don't get me wrong I'm a huge Divergent and Hunger Games fan but both the books and the films seem so puny and a waste of time compared to The Fault in Our Stars. I don't know maybe it's because it's more real but I definitely felt it more.

Love xxx

Wednesday 25 June 2014



Why does everything seem real but ends up being a big old lie? I don't get why people don't just tell the truth these days. Personally, I've always been a fan of honesty and I pretty much think it's the best policy but I do sometimes have a hard time telling the truth, like everyone does. I lie about cleaning my room or doing my homework just like any other teenage girl, but sometimes I make up stuff or twist stories to make them more interesting. I know I shouldn't do this but it's so easy and it makes me feel more popular. 

Anyways gtg sleep

Love xxx

Thursday 19 June 2014

Some depressing news...


So a couple of days ago I found out that my best friend's friend had committed suicide. She wasn't in school yesterday and is not coping with it very well. I just don't know how to respond to death. No one in my life has ever died and I just don't know how to cope. Today I also got an A star in Spanish yay and 13/16 in my History test. Got an ambassador interview tomorrow which I'm really nervous about. I just have to be confident about it and it'll be fine. 

Do you ever just feel like your head is so heavy with thoughts that you find it hard to breathe? That's what I feel like right now. My head is like a fish bowl with millions of little fish swimming around my mind, so many I can't count them. It's getting so heavy that I can no longer keep it up and I feel like I'm about to collapse with the weight of it. I'm trying desperately but getting up in the morning is becoming harder and harder knowing that everyday at school is a stress. 

Seeing him is the worst part. Knowing that I'll never be with him or be able to tousle his gorgeous blonde hair and knowing I'll never be able to wake up to that smile. Or all the exams. Or the homework. As if we don't have enough work to do at school for 8 hours then they give us like 4 hours more homework. Along with revision. How does that make sense? Oh and then they expect us to eat well and exercise and sleep for 8 hours and attend extra-curricular clubs and spend time with our families. 

Anyway sorry to be so depressing xxx

Tuesday 17 June 2014


Hey guys,

So today started off well- I got told that I had managed to somehow get an interview for applying to be an Ambassador next year in school. Not something I expected but something that I'm pretty grateful for as one of my friends didn't get in and she was devastated. 

Then on the way to physics, I walked past him. He was wearing a tight white t shirt and his perfect blond hair just shined (even in the horrible school lights). Ugh he just makes me so angry you know? But so ecstatic and excited at the same time. When I see him I feel like I want to burst and hit things, I have no idea why. But I have to say he needs a new shoe wardrobe. He wears these horrible green adidas' everyday to school and I don't think I can cope with seeing them anymore. That's one thing I would do as his girlfriend- buy him new shoes. 

Anyway, so after that perfect encounter I had lessons blah blah blah and break blah blah blah until finally lunch arrived. After lunch I had double History which was really fun- we did role plays and my friend was Hitler (her glued on moustache was truly realistic). Finally school finished but oh no the day wasn't over yet... Every other Tuesday I attend maths classes at Kings College because I am a "high ability student". If I'm honest I learn more in a few of those maths sessions than I do in a whole year of maths at school. We are usually taught by "barefoot Bill"; an eclectic man with a ginger beard who for some reason never seems to wear any shoes while teaching. The strange thing is we never even see him take them off as he walks into the classroom- it seems as if he doesn't own a pair of shoes. He teaches very well, despite the odd pong from his toes, and really gets you involved with the maths. There are only a few other students there with us from another school as most of them got out of those sessions as fast as they could. 

As I was leaving today's session with my friend, one of the boys who also goes to the session waited for us at the end of the street. I thought this was slightly strange as I don't even know his name. Expecting him to simply make a snarky comment and walk away I carried on walking however he said,
"You know bronies?"
At this point I was totally unaware of what "bronies" were but nodded politely and smiled anyway as that's the sort of girl I am. (I later found out that bronies are unexpected adult men who are fans of the TV series my little pony). He talked at us for a while, hoping to engage us with his attempted jokes and stories that seemed to go on forever. I tried to get out of the conversation a number of times:
"We really should go" I'd say
or "Nice to meet you." 
But he wouldn't stop. We must have been there about ten minutes discussing vegemite, Australians and the nostalgia critic before he finally left. 

Anyway, I'll post tomorrow about my very exciting life :) *sarcasm intended*

Love xxx

Monday 16 June 2014

What I did today...


So this is just like a quick review of my day today... Sorry it's dull but I'm dull so...

What I did today:

- Took my Biology GCSE exam which went awfully.
- Had a work experience interview at a solicitor's- I got the placement!
- Ate an oatmeal cookie at subway because I needed to use their toilet.
- Saw an Indian guy with an afro combing his moustache on the tube.
- Listened to Arctic Monkeys, a lot
- Also listened to Echo Smith's new album- soooo good 

Love xxx

Saturday 14 June 2014

Tumblr blog!

Good evening! :)

Today was a good day- I studied and then went to the park but I ate wayyyy too much. I've put on a lot of weight recently, I think it's the stress of school and I missed a period, so I think stress is seriously messing with me.

Anyways, I'd really like to up my followers on Tumblr- it's btw, but I don't wanna ask for promos or anything cos it seems weird. Like, I want people to follow me because they like my blog, not so they can get promoted. My blog doesn't really have a style tbh I just reblog what I like and occasionally post pics. Most of my text posts are done on here though.

Gtg sleep

Luv ya xxx

Thursday 12 June 2014

The internet is broken so I'm outside today...


Today was pretty much just an ordinary school day. 

You see the problem is, I feel like I don't go outside anymore... The internet has taken over my life and I only ever go outside when it's broken. I feel trapped inside a world full of messages and pictures that follow me everywhere I go. I think I just really need to get out you know? I need a holiday free from technology. Why do we feel compelled to constantly check social media? Why am I so addicted to scrolling through pictures on tumblr? I really don't know. 

Anyway, mini rant over

Love xxx

Wednesday 11 June 2014

New phone case?!

Hello everyone! 

Today was a fun day- I went on a trip to the Bethnal Green Museum of Childhood with my school which was much better than I expected. Soooo I'm considering getting a new phone case but I don't know what to get. At the moment I have a pink penguin one but I feel like I'm getting too old for that now... I also have a mint green one but it's super dirty?! I need one that won't get dirty... Ugh I have no idea.

Sorry this was a short one- speak soon

Love xxx

Tuesday 10 June 2014

Mini Universes Full of Shooting Stars


So it's been a while...

Not much is happening in my life right now if I'm honest. I have lots of exams and stress so I'm just focusing on revision and haven't had much time for anything else. I have been trying to pick up on little things and appreciate things that I wouldn't usually. Like when I'm walking to school, I try to look at the bark on the trees or the clouds more closely.

Today I became totally intrigued by eyes. I mean just look at how gorgeous they are. They're tiny universes that we can delve in and out of with millions of shooting stars. The other day I saw a post on Tumblr about some eye doctors and someone asked them what they have learnt most from their job and they replied:

"The eye cannot see what the mind does not know"

I think this is a really wonderful quote to leave you with and to think about how we only perceive what we want to perceive.

Anyways gtg meditate now,

Love xxx

Saturday 12 April 2014

Easter Holidays!

It's finally here! And I couldn't be in more need of a holiday...

These last few weeks have been exhausting and boy am I glad to be heading to France tomorrow. Should be posting while I'm there but I'm trying to relax as much as possible. Mmmmm can't wait to be in the sunshine with a mocktail!

I absolutely love travelling. That's my ultimate goal in life- to travel. I've always pictured myself on holiday just relaxing in a hot tub with a man next to me. I would love to go to Peru. The mountains there always look so peaceful and interesting.

I remember going to Colorado last summer and just staring out into the dry desert sands thinking "I really would prefer to be somewhere else right now." Don't get me wrong I loved my trip to Colorado but I always felt like i wasn't at home. I've always been more attracted to the lush green forests more than the hot dry parts of the world. I guess that's why I always love camping. I just love the feeling that you get when you wake up in the morning, in your tent, and it's raining and all you can hear is the soft patter of the rain, like popcorn popping above your head. And then you have to wait there till it's over and when you go outside everything's soaking wet and there's this fresh earthy smell in the air like the ground has been tossed around, spreading it's goodness everywhere.

Super excited about France

xoxo Lola

Friday 11 April 2014

Let's talk about....

Sex is a strange thing.

I don't know whether to be totally grossed out by it and squeal like a primary school girl when someone mentions it or want to jump straight into a bed with Johnny Depp and Dave Franco.

I know it's the only way to make new life and everything but why do they make it so god damn sexy?? No wonder half of Britain is pregnant before they're eighteen when sex feels like that. Not that I would know as I'm a 15 year old virgin AND PROUD.

On the other hand, isn't it strange having something inside you? It's like a big snake's trying to slither it's way into your body. That freaks me out just a tinsy bit.

Now I want to talk about my best friend who was recently very nearly raped. Rape is unacceptable. No matter what. Stop telling your daughters to go out and start telling your sons to behave properly. No one is asking for it. I can tell you that no girl would put on a short skirt or skimpy blouse thinking "I'm wearing this because I want to get raped tonight." It's ridiculous. I don't think people understand the seriousness of rape and the damage both physical and mental that it can cause. Going back to my snake metaphor, I'm pretty sure sex only seems like that when you don't want it. So if you have any hesitation about having sex at all then it's rape. You don't even have to say the word "stop", it'll be obvious if you don't want it. And if it's not then make it. Scream, shout, kick and claw if you have to but make sure he knows that you don't want it. If he carries on, it's definitely rape.

Anyway rant over. Not sure why this post was so sex related but it was and I hope I got my point across about rape. No one is ever asking for it.

Hugs and kisses

Love Lola xoxo