Sunday, 8 March 2015

Wow. It's been a while.

A lot of things have happened over the last year or so that I feel like I should document at some point. I feel like the most prominent thing I want to talk about is my 'relationship' with God.

As a child, I was always a Christian. I willingly went to Church and read psalms without question as my Mum and Nan are both devout Catholics, However when I got to secondary school things changed. I met amazing friends from all sorts of religious backgrounds and I started to question what I believed in. In fact, I started to ask myself why I had prayed and sung hymns to God all those years when I hadn't ever really known what I was doing. Then I got angry. I was furious at myself for being what I thought was 'tricked' into a religion. After my first physics lesson, I straight up decided that God was something man made up and the concept of there being a God was impossible to me.

That's how I lived until recently. At my school, we often visit westminster Abbey to sing and pray etc which had never really moved me until about 6 months ago. I was sitting with my friend, who is an extremely committed Christian, when we started to talk about God. At this point in my life (I'm now 16), I was trying to be a bit more open with religion and others opinions so I engaged in the conversation. She asked me
"Why don't you believe?"
And I returned with "Why do you?"
She said "The idea is so radical that it must be true. There must be something greater than us out there."

And what she said really struck a chord in me. As I stared up at the beautiful ornate ceiling of westminster Abbey I really started to believe that there was someone watching over me.

So. Yeah. That's my religious journey. I'm still not quite sure if I believe in God. But I'm definitely more open to the idea now.


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