So for my birthday this year I'm turning 16 and I've decided to do a colour run. It's happening in September and I think it's a really fun way to raise money for charity. For those of you who don't know what it is, it's basically a 5k run where you get covered with brightly coloured powder like this:
I think it's really awesome! After the run there's a really cool festival as well so I really encourage you guys to take part! I'm doing the London run but they have them all over America and the UK now. It's £25 to enter- that's for any amount of people and it all goes to charity so it's really good.
Recently I have been obsessed with 90210, I haven't stopped watching it. I'm on season three already it's nearly finished and i really don't want it to finish. I went through a phase of being obsessed with Gossip Girl and I cried when that finished. Oh, recently I went to see The Fault in our Stars at the cinema which was literally the most life-changing film I have ever seen. When I finished watching it, every other film seemed insignificant. I mean don't get me wrong I'm a huge Divergent and Hunger Games fan but both the books and the films seem so puny and a waste of time compared to The Fault in Our Stars. I don't know maybe it's because it's more real but I definitely felt it more.
Love xxx