Saturday, 12 April 2014

Easter Holidays!

It's finally here! And I couldn't be in more need of a holiday...

These last few weeks have been exhausting and boy am I glad to be heading to France tomorrow. Should be posting while I'm there but I'm trying to relax as much as possible. Mmmmm can't wait to be in the sunshine with a mocktail!

I absolutely love travelling. That's my ultimate goal in life- to travel. I've always pictured myself on holiday just relaxing in a hot tub with a man next to me. I would love to go to Peru. The mountains there always look so peaceful and interesting.

I remember going to Colorado last summer and just staring out into the dry desert sands thinking "I really would prefer to be somewhere else right now." Don't get me wrong I loved my trip to Colorado but I always felt like i wasn't at home. I've always been more attracted to the lush green forests more than the hot dry parts of the world. I guess that's why I always love camping. I just love the feeling that you get when you wake up in the morning, in your tent, and it's raining and all you can hear is the soft patter of the rain, like popcorn popping above your head. And then you have to wait there till it's over and when you go outside everything's soaking wet and there's this fresh earthy smell in the air like the ground has been tossed around, spreading it's goodness everywhere.

Super excited about France

xoxo Lola

Friday, 11 April 2014

Let's talk about....

Sex is a strange thing.

I don't know whether to be totally grossed out by it and squeal like a primary school girl when someone mentions it or want to jump straight into a bed with Johnny Depp and Dave Franco.

I know it's the only way to make new life and everything but why do they make it so god damn sexy?? No wonder half of Britain is pregnant before they're eighteen when sex feels like that. Not that I would know as I'm a 15 year old virgin AND PROUD.

On the other hand, isn't it strange having something inside you? It's like a big snake's trying to slither it's way into your body. That freaks me out just a tinsy bit.

Now I want to talk about my best friend who was recently very nearly raped. Rape is unacceptable. No matter what. Stop telling your daughters to go out and start telling your sons to behave properly. No one is asking for it. I can tell you that no girl would put on a short skirt or skimpy blouse thinking "I'm wearing this because I want to get raped tonight." It's ridiculous. I don't think people understand the seriousness of rape and the damage both physical and mental that it can cause. Going back to my snake metaphor, I'm pretty sure sex only seems like that when you don't want it. So if you have any hesitation about having sex at all then it's rape. You don't even have to say the word "stop", it'll be obvious if you don't want it. And if it's not then make it. Scream, shout, kick and claw if you have to but make sure he knows that you don't want it. If he carries on, it's definitely rape.

Anyway rant over. Not sure why this post was so sex related but it was and I hope I got my point across about rape. No one is ever asking for it.

Hugs and kisses

Love Lola xoxo